Women Empowerment


Women’s empowerment and Gender development is the core focus areas for an inclusive growth for the prosperity at each level Local, State and National Level. However, the distressing situation imitates that Uttar Pradesh is far behind other states in India when it comes to empowering women and gender development. In order to achieve the desired objective of gender development Meerut Seva Samaj is repeatedly over the year’s strategically implementing result-oriented programs to reach the target group effectively.


Empowering women and promoting gender equality through unifying them, imparting awareness on rights and entitlements, capacity building and enhancing their skills, through IGA (income generation activities) and linking them with their respective banks.

  • Capacitating them in CBOs
  • Skill building on income generation activities
  • Credit linkage with bank
  • Awareness on health, sanitation, rights & entitlements
  • Sensitizing for environment friendly activities.

Achievements in last year

  • 2569 Women and Adolescent girls addressed were strengthened and unified for their issues and problems in meetings of Self-help groups, Mahila Mandols and Adolescent groups.
  • 941 Women and Adolescent girls were trained on vocational courses like Tailoring and Beauty Parlor, computer basics, vermin compost and broom making out of which 68 are earning up to Rs. 2200 per month.
  • 684 Women and Adolescent girls were trained on issues like life skill, leadership, government schemes and entitlements.
  • 160 Women and Adolescent girls have learned through exposure visit to Police Station, National Banks, Post offices and Aww centers.

Our Programs