Core Value

The stated Vision and Mission of MSS guide the Human Resource policies of MSS. We draw inspiration from the vast experiences of the pioneering members of MSS and also from the reflections of the members through various deliberations. These values are embedded in the social teachings of the Catholic Church, and MSS being one of the Catholic Social Service Organizations, we are committed to profess and promote these values.

The values set out below are the guiding principles for the organization and its members. We therefore not only own them and value them but also manifest them in all our endeavors to make this world a better place for all, especially the poor and the marginalized for whom we have a preferential option. We believe in the dignity of the human persons, their right to rule and manage their own lives by developing their inherent potentials and making the optimum use of the opportunities before them. We become the facilitators in the process.

The dignity of the human being:

MSS, in all its endeavors, will ever strive to protect and promote the dignity of individuals in its own workplaces, in dealing with partners and the society at large. We believe in the sacredness and the value of life and the inalienable right to life of every human being. MSS in all its efforts will promote respect for human lives irrespective of Religion, Caste, Culture, Gender, Language, Territory or any other distinction.


MSS believes in an equitable society where equal opportunities are provided to every person to avail, access and control resources in proportion to each one's needs and capacities. MSS is aware of the need to be gender sensitive, gauging the limitations of the present society. Our efforts are to ensure indiscriminate participation of women and men. We believe in a society where biases and prejudices do not have a strong hold. We also believe in the necessity for making special option for the empowerment of women whenever called for. It is also our conviction that we need to reduce vulnerabilities and marginalization through our interventions within the society so that each one has the opportunity to be included and be an enriched human being.


Inspired by the social teachings of the Catholic Church, we will promote justice and peace in the society. We believe that every human being has the right to express and be heard and treated justly in all situations. We are the ones in the forefront when justice is denied, human rights are violated, and when the vulnerable and the marginalized are oppressed and exploited. We focus our interventions in such a way that we support and network with like-minded individuals and organizations working for the same cause.


MSS will strive to enhance solidarity with the poor and those who whole-heartedly share the same concerns. Through solidarity we express a firn1 determination and commitment to the common good. The vision of solidarity binds us together, establishing a society where all will receive what rightly belongs to us as children of God. Firmly believing in the integrity of creation, we recognize the relationship between natural resources and human development. This calls for concerted effort to protect nature and its resources through programs that are ecologically sustainable and are in harmony with the local environment.

Transparency and Accountability:

We recognize transparency, mutual accountability, openness, loyalty and honesty as fundamental values and preconditions for the growth of our partnership. a. We believe that every person is accountable for his/ her actions. b. Transparency in all decision-making processes, utilization of resources, assessing performances and communication. c. We believe in sharing the concerns and apprehensions of all whom we serve in a spirit of trust and mutual respect. d. Team spirit is fundamental to an organization's culture wherein work becomes a process of learning and progressing together. Each person is considered as a unique contributor who is valued and respected.


MSS believes in Professionalism and excellence in the work and ensures quality performance with greater effectiveness, efficiency and commitment. Therefore, capacity building of the personnel and qualitative improvement are of great priority for the Organization.