Sustainable Agriculture and NRM

The contemporary age is witnessing environmental problems like very scanty rain, depletion of water and other natural resources and decaying bio-diversity. The menace has emerged as a result of the greed of human beings with blind use of natural resources. Nature’s reaction is evident in the form of misbalanced environmental equilibrium causing a serious threat to the very existence of ‘life’ on earth. The much talked about concept of ‘sustainable development’ also speaks of optimum use of natural resources and their preservation for the coming generations. In the development sector, innumerable efforts have been done to preserve the nature’s gifts. In this direction, the efforts of MSS can be few conspicuous but are significant because messages of MSS reach directly to the grassroots level. MSS, a passionate campaigner of environmental equilibrium, has been taking some micro steps to promote the various agriculture-based issue in its focus areas. Various agriculture interventions of MSS are evident to augment the natural resource management and allied livelihoods, like:-

  • Promotion of livelihood based organic farming,
  • Initiation of SRI method of paddy cultivation,
  • Agro-forestry &agro horticulture practices,
  • Live stock rearing,
  • Promotion of Farmers Facility Centers,
  • Support to marginalized farmers for diversification in agriculture,
  • Promotion of allied agriculture based livelihood opportunities,
  • Augmenting the productivity of lead crops program based on sustainable agriculture,
  • Support to farmers for availing institutional agriculture credits for productive purposes, etc .

As a step further in this direction, MSS took up the following ventures especially for the small and marginal farmers of focus area.

  • 'Towards Nature'- Empowerment of the marginalized through Natural Resources Management and Allied Livelihood'
  • Augmenting the productivity of lead crops/ activities through adoption of sustainable agricultural practices.
  • Implementation of 'Village Development Plan' intervention.
  • 45 % women farmers are playing an important role in organic farming program.
  • For the creation the livelihood opportunities and to ensure the diversification in agriculture, organic farmers are motivated to adopt the organic vegetable cultivation practices.
  • To ensure the long term cultivation rights of farmers on their organic field, agro horticulture/ agro forestry practices are being adopting by small and marginal organic farmers.
  • Under the Village Development Program, promotion of solar lights, art of living program for youth, training on vermi composting and Azola, newspapers, magazine and library facilities, rejuvenation of ponds etc are implementing through the platform of CBOs

Our Programs