Emergency DRR

"Ecosystem based Disaster Risk Reduction Program in Haridwar district in Uttara Khand"

Meerut Seva Samaj has initiated and completed successfully this project in 11 villages comes in 10 Panchayats of Khanpur and Laksar Blocks of Haridwar district in the state of Uttara Khand under the Ecosystem Based Disaster Risk Reduction project financially supported by Caritas India. All these villages are under sever threat of flood hazards whenever heavy rain occurs in the himalyan hills. The flood waters damage the houses, crops and livestock of the villagers every year.

The total population of all these 11 villages is 26002, 13701 male and 12301 female comprising of 4784 children aged 0-6 of both sex. The average literacy rate in the area is 47 per cent. While female literacy rate is 38%, the male literacy rate is 56%. Main occupation of the area is agriculture. 65% are marginal farmers having lands up to 2 acres. Having no scope for agriculture, most of the people travel to town areas looking for work as casual labourers. During the flood, they are held up in town areas without any contact with their families. Considering the flood every year, most of the houses, though small, are built pacca to survive the flood. But after the floods these houses need heavy repair works. While some families are shifting to their relatives’/ neighbours’ houses during flood, the people who have got pacca houses are shifted to first floor if there is any.

In order to improve the living condition of the people of these villages, MSS has designed the aforesaid project for implementation in the identified villages.

We focused that the target villages in Laksar& Khanpur Blocks of Haridwar District will not lose their lives, assets, crops and livelihood because of recurring flood hazards.

MS deputed staff has conducted necessary awareness programs on different issues such as Eco System, Early warning about release of water from barrage etc. will be carried out throughout the project area.

In addition, formation of self-help groups and Task Force at village were formed and the entire program was owned by the people led approach by these groups. Appropriate trainings were imparted to the group members to ensure proper implementation of the project. Liaisoning with government departments, Administration, media and PRI members was established. In addition, a closed contact was obtained with district disaster management authorities for management of plan and its proper implementation.

Regular meetings of group members were carried during the process of implementation and thereafter. Orientation to villagers on safe drinking water, causes of disease due to consumption of contaminated water was organized.

Also, people will be sensitized of common diseases which can spread during flood and post flood period. The services of Health Department will be sought to conduct different heath programs for the needy during flood, post flood and also for regular immunization program for women and children in the target area.

Awareness to the community to protect the Natural resources through street play on "safe environment"

Tree plantation in river bank and forest areas.

Villages will be linked with Govt schemes like MGNREGA, Swachh Bharat Mission,

  • 525 villagers directly benefited by MMSBY (MukhmantriSwasthBimaYojna) and thousands were indirectly benefited.
  • 55 Villagers directly were benefitted by PMSSBY(PradhanmantriSamajikSurakshaBeemaYojna)
  • 49 villagersdirecly benefitted by PMJJBY (Pradhan Mantri jeevanjyoti bemayojna).
  • 27 villagers had opened their girl child accounts under the scheme Sukanya Samarddhi Yojna.
  • 57 villagersbenefiitted by Viklangpansion.
  • 17 girls(12th Passed) benefitted Gaura Devi Kanya Vidhya Dhan Yojna in which 50000 Rs given to each by State Government.
  • 139 youths were registerd under Center Government Scheme NDLM ( National Digital Literacy Mission).
  • 128 Villagers took life insurance policy to save their future.
  • 16 People took general health insurance to reduce the risk of Deceases.
  • 8 Farmeres insured their livestock
  • 48 farmers took crop insurance to reduce the risk of Disaster.
  • 384 farmers were linked with Agriculture Department.
  • 61 Women are benefitted under “VidhvaPansion.”
  • 113 Old age person are benefitted under” Old age Pansion”.
  • 29 Women are benefitted under “Nanda Devi Yojna”
  • 20 families are benefitted by “ PMAY”
  • 2136 villagers were enrolled in UIDAI registration camps with collaboration of BE-Technology to get Aadhar Cards.
  • 100 percent toilets construction had been completed in all the project villages as well as in whole district.
  • 66 meetings were held in which 1676 beneficiaries were benefited by the government & other society risk transfer schemes.
  • Haridwar District have been declared ODF district on date 31st May 2017.

Training to 132 task force members on emergency management (rescue, relief & first aid

Engagement of Govt. / agencies for displacement of families.

Training on livelihood also imparted in the target area.

We have completed the skill training in Six villages (Maharajpur Khurd, ChandpuriKala,Dallawala,Sherpur Bela, Dumanpuri and Gangdaspur) in which 155 women have completed their training.

Beautician- 88 (Dumanpuri-23,Gangdaspur-11,Chandpuri Kala-24,Kalsia -30)
Tailoring – 67 (Sherpur Bela-22, Dallawala-18, Maharajpur Khurd-27)

PDRA tools implementation and validation,Process,documentation.

  • Participatory disaster risk assessment Planning, mapping, modification, on ground exercise completed with the participation of approx 3500 person participated in varies activities of PDRA.
  • 236 Focus group discussions conducted in which 3522 person participated.

Process documentation not done due to no reply by Caritas India on first draft of documentation.


The project has all the components required for income generating programs, safe drinking water, health improvement, government schemes, better cropping methods, Networking with government departments and other stakeholders etc. etc. Hence, after implementation of the program, MSS is sure, the target group will be able to access most of the facilities and gradually will have better livelihood.

The project had various activities and awareness generation programs were held to reduce the effect of natural disaster and to be prepared for any such calamity and maintaining the ecological balance in two blocks namely Laksar and Khanpur of Haridwar district.

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