Emergency Response Covid - 19

COVID-19 was a shocking news when India woke up 25th March 2020 the very next morning with nationwide
lockdown which had been declared at 8 p.m. in the previous night and imposed on the Nation. It was
very hard to grasp the pictures of millions of migrant workers set out on foot on highways to reach
their homes in villages in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Uttarakhand and other states
began circulating in the morning.
A nationwide lockdown had been imposed in midnight the aspirations of more than 500 million
working people, primarily in the informal sector, across the length and breadth of India: working in
urban or rural, formal or informal sector, in wage employment, self-employment, home-based and
domestic employment, and includes all socially oppressed and excluded working people, whether earning a livelihood or not were vanished.
To combat against Covid-19 and be strong enough to support these migrant labours in the target
areas, we express our hearty gratitude towards CRS (Catholic Relief Services) and Caritas India for
their Joint Response to support the families and individuals who are badly affected by the lockdown
as their sole dependency on the daily wages for earning their livelihood. This section of the society
very harshly faces this worst situation in the present scenario. The outbreak has been declared as a
pandemic in more than 134 countries across the world and India is one of them. Under the provision
of the epidemic diseases act, 1897 has been invoked various educational institutes and many commercial
establishments have been shut down. India has also suspended all sorts of transport as a majority of
the confirmed cases were linked to migration from various places.
A fresh set of guidelines have been released by the Government through various intervals with
selective activities were being allowed by following a complete social distancing.
The Joint Response to the migrant labors to reach out to the unreachable people through filtering
the list of the survey conducted by the staff (1) and volunteers (3), with number of communications
established with the community representatives & also by seeking support from the local
administration when required.
With this noble support from the CRS and Caritas India we have reached out 310 families /
individuals with 1271 numbers of the family members,
283 Girls 0-17,
313 women age 18-60,
41 Women above 61 age,
265 Boys 6-17 age group,
295 Men 18-60 age group,
31 Men above 61 age and out of total number 4 people were found disable in the families.

In Response to the beneficiaries’ kit with Food kit and PPE kit, which contains the following items.
Food kit:-
Rice (5kg)
Dal (2kg)
Atta (10kg)
Chilly Powder (100gm)
Haldi (100gm)
Salt (1kg)
Sugar (2kg)
Oil (2litrs)
Tea (250 gm)
PPE kit includes:-
Bathing soap (1Pc)
Washing Soap(1Pc)
Masks (2pc)
Sanitizer (2pc)
IEC / Pictorial printing material

Our Programs

COVID-19 Response